Thursday, January 22, 2009

My last day in D.C.

Hi every one!!! So today was my last day in D.C. :(. Well anyway today I went to the FBI and that was cool! We also finshed up The Museum of Natural History And I was really happy about that!

Let's start with the FBI. That was aweswome. The man that gave us the tour was Supervisory Special Agent Douglas Perdue. He was fun and I'm glad he was able to give us the tour. He gave us a great tour. You really can't see very much of the FBI because - well - because it's the FBI! We also met a man named Arthur Cummings and he is the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch of the FBI. He gave me a really special coin. Each high ranking person has their own coin made. Here's a picture of the coin. It's a very fancy one!

The FBI building.

After that I went to the Natural History Museum which was fantastic! I loved it so much that I took a million pictures on my phone, which I can't download. Luckily I took some on the camera. Here they are:

An Easter Island Maoi.

This is an Orangutan.

Sword fish bones.

A Cheetah and it's unlucky prey :(.

A python.
Well that was my day! Hope you enjoyed my trip as much as I did. I may go back and update some of it later on so I guess i'll see ya later!

1 comment:

~Barbara~ said...

We enjoyed meeting you and your parents in Mr. Blumenauer's Office. His staff suggested that you might enjoy seeing our photographs from that day, and also from our awesome experience during the inauguration! Some of our photos from that historic day are available to the public at:

I hope you will keep blogging~!