Friday, December 12, 2008

I Got 'Em!!!!! I got Tickets!!!!! (!!!)

Earl just called me! My pal, Earl! In fact - I called him Earl on the phone! Oops! So anyway Congressman Blumenauer called me, and I got the tickets! I got a total of three tickets, so I'm super, super, super happy. He asked me if I'd come by his office, also, which was awesome! So we're go to his office sometime and that's going to be really fun, oh my gosh I can't believe this actually happened.

Anyway, I'm happy I got the tickets. Can you tell?

So, here's picture of Barack doing chinups in a suit. Sorta wierd seeing Obama do chinups.

Yes, that's man I'm going to see being sworm in as our 44th president.


Monday, December 8, 2008

I Hate Having a Cold!

Being sick isn't any fun. I haven't gotten any tickets yet. I feel like crud. Just thought I'd keep you updated. Bye.

here's a picture of Barack being healthy:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Earl Blumenauer! Oh, My Gosh!

My school is one of the best schools ever. It got Earl Blumenauer to come to our school election. My school had an election because we work on a storyline, and the storyline this trimester was having our own election. Which was fun because we got to have our own political parties and we got to campaign for our candidates. It was really fun and really awesome. So, today was our final debate and voting day. And Representative Earl Blumenauer came to my school to speak to us about how great it was that we were so excited and involved in our campaign.

So, here's a picture of me with Congressman Blumenauer! (It's a little blurry.)

I gave him a copy of the letter that I sent about the tickets. He was really nice! He said that about a thousand people had asked for tickets, and that they were trying to figure out who would be chosen to go.

So anyway - just keeping you updated. Adios.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hello again, everyone!

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was delicious! Well, today is the day I make it official. I have sent emails to many people - friends, family, classmates, etc - and now I wait to see how many people are going to come and visit my blog. I hope MLC stops by, because I have an idea! Since I'm going to the inauguration, I was thinking I could take something from MLC - like maybe a card or something - that everyone has signed and arrange to get it to President-elect Obama. I probably wouldn't personally deliver it, but I can always hope! Anybody who has any ideas, please leave me a comment. Alrighty then, while we're waiting for anyone who shows up, here's a funny picture of Barack.